E-mail: info@gepkozvetito.hu
Web: www.gepkozvetito.hu
Gépközvetítő Kft.
Address: H-7400 Kaposvár, Dombóvári út 18.
Mobile: +36 30 313 0760
Phone: +36-82-510-176
Fax: +36-82-510-177
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New Gen5 Universal 10.1″ Monitor + Activation
New Gen5 Universal 10.1″ Monitor + Activation | at a reasonable price!

Main features
GK identifier:
- Large 10.1" touchscreen - 35% larger than previous models
- Three times faster processor than previous models for faster cold start times
- Brighter, clearer 1080p HD resolution
- Permanent AutoTrac™, Section Control and AutoTrac™, RowSense™ license available
The images used are for information purposes only and do not always reflect the actual equipment and condition of the machine, the information in the text description is authoritative. The description of the machine is not exhaustive. We reserve the right to make any typographical errors, mistakes and alterations.
Ask for our special offer!
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+36 30 074 0200!
+36 30 074 0200!